SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 2023 :: 8:30PM


Howdy howdy!!! It's October... which means it's Halloween! For the entirety of the month!!! Halloween's always been one of my favorite holidays, and though some years I haven't had as much to look forward too with how early the holiday gets hyped up, I'm excited this year for sure!

My college campus allows students to dress up on Halloween, and my plan this year, since Halloween falls on a day where I have class, is to dress up as Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service! I have the whole costume ready, and I even have a little Jiji plush I could take with me! Last year, I dressed up as Sans from Undertale, and before that the last costume I'd worn to school had been my Princess Daisy costume in my senior year of high school (I matched with an IRL friend who dressed as Peach!)

Aside from that, I have some other good stuff to share... to celebrate Halloween this month, I've been watching horror movies with my dad! So far, he and I have watched M3GAN, The Silence of the Lambs, The Shining, The Exorcist, and Trick 'r Treat. I've also been watching horror movies in my own time, like The Fog, and Whatever Happened To Baby Jane! I have a bunch I want to get through, and I'm excited to watch 'em all.

I've also been adding to my CD/DVD collection, as well as getting a few VHSes! I have a new DVD/VCR player, and I'm so excited to watch physical copies of my favorite movies and shows on it.

My new medication that I mentioned in my last blog post has mostly been working fine, but the downside to it was it was made me super nauseous, to the point of vomiting. And I... don't handle throwing up well at all... My dermatologist recommended I stop the medication for now since the side effects are giving me trouble. Hopefully I can discuss better options with her, I have a meeting with her next week.

Now for some completely off topic things...

- I really want to make a fanlisting. If I made a fanlisting would anyone join it? x) It'd probably be for something I like that I haven't seen one of yet... maybe Helltaker or Hollow Knight?

- I've been working more on my website... again, just getting all the layouts for my pages down before I put in the content. I think everything's looking nice! I always have things I wanna add though...

- I really want to eat at Outback Steakhouse or Texas Roadhouse. Not sure why.

- Lastly... I made an omelet today!!! I burned it a little but it still tasted pretty good.

Happy Early Halloween!!! Stay safe, and be spooky!!!

MOOD: Sneezy (I got allergies!)
WATCHING: The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross
WEEKEND PLANS: Watch more horror movies with my dad

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