THURSADY, JUNE 6 2024 :: 1:37AM


Howdy!!!!!! It's Pride Month again! And I'm in a new house.

So, moving is almost finished, and most of the stuff I care about is here with me at the new house and safe. It was stressful at first, and I cried when I saw the state the room I'd been living in for 12 years after my furniture had been taken out, but I'm calming down now that I'm getting a chance to settle in. Hey, at least my family did this after the semester was over, right? The cats seem to like the new house too, which is good. It's a lot more peaceful on the street we've moved too, no kids screaming and running on the street at night, no assholes driving their loud motorcycles across the street or playing their music loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear... none of that! It's almost disconcerting how quiet our new street is, actually... at least I can still hear the train at night.

What's next from here is just getting everything unpacked and building all the new furniture. As you could expect from living in the same apartment for 12 years - we threw out a LOT of old crap. Only stuff for my room that isn't assembled yet is the nightstand and bookcase. A lot of stuff of mine needs unpacking though, which I'll get to when all my furniture is assembled.

In other news, it's Pride Month now!!!!! That's awesome. I've had my whole spiel before about Pride and it's importance to me, so I won't bring it up again here. Am I the only one who thinks this month is starting off eerily quiet though??? Maybe I'm just overthinking as usual, but it feels like normally Pride Month starts with a bang. Maybe I just haven't been paying attention because I've been preoccupied with moving.

But anyway, Happy Pride Month everyone!!! I need to sleep.

WATCHING: Spongebob Squarepants
EATING: Honey mustard pretzels
WEEKEND PLANS: Nothing. I hope to god nothing

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